is an open source and portable software aimed to 3D image segmentation and visualization with surface models. It was developed as graduation thesis of Systems Engineering at Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA), located in Argentina . The software was implemented C++ and has a versatile filter mechanism with TCL scripting language binding. The visualization was made with VTK, a powerful visualization framework.

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supports various image formats. DICOM support is avaliable (New!). This software also was tested on Windows 98,Windows 2000,Windows XP and Linux (RedHat 7.3). [read more]


Jul 16 , 2009

  • [sebasfiorent] Taking off again. In the short term we're moving to SDC site. Also, we're pleased to announce that AtlassianBalsamiq Mockups, and Yourkit profiler (see footer) awarded us open source licenses of their products, since we're planning to revamp all this project with a new Java/Eclipse RCP based version.
  • Sep 6 , 2004

  • [sebasfiorent] We're pleased to announce that Software del Centro [visit]sponsors us now!. They will give to us support in software engineering area and in other aspects. (PS. No funds at all hehe).
  • Aug 31, 2004

  • Back on Track!. Yeah! More than a year passed since we've news for you. DICOM support is now implemented!!. Another thing, is that we're planning a UI revamp (maybe, wxWidget, Swish or anything else). Feel free to post your opinion in SourceForge's Forums [go to forums].
  • May 23, 2003

  • UI translated to English! [download]. I´ve been trying to use gettext to support different languages, but with FLTK the things don´t work very well (language switching on the fly). So I´ve decided to translate UI directly to English. In the future, when the UI code get translated to wxWindows (an ongoing project) the things will become better (I hope jeje)

  • May 6, 2003

  • Windows and Linux binaries available in Downloads Section.

  • Updated SourceCode to compile with VTK and ITK CVS version.
  • May 3, 2003

  • Source code is now on SourceForge online CVS repository. Also, in Downloads Section.

  • May 2, 2003

  • We're now on SourceForge!.

  • Added Downloads.

  • April 3, 2003

  • New on-line version of project web page.

  • November 29, 2002

  • Some screenshots were added to Description and Tutorial sections.

  • November 19, 2002

          • Changes in VoxelGrow segmentation algorithm. Now, every iteration loop has a different voxel value (viewed as a different color).

    November 15, 2002

          • Site remodeling.

          • In the future, there will be a CVS access to source code.

          • The Windows and Linux versions are ready to be downloaded.

    Tool Contributors
    YourKit is kindly supporting open source projects with its full-featured Java Profiler. YourKit, LLC is the creator of innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications. Take a look at YourKit's leading software products: YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler.

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